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Conservation Services

RedOx CHS offers a range of services relating to conservation and preservation.

We are experts in the preservation of cultural heritage objects and sites. This includes a wide range of preventive and remedial conservation of different materials, objects and sites

as well as advice, condition assessments and treatment proposals.

We always strive to work in an inclusive and open relationship with our local, national and international community.

Sara Gainsford

Sara is a trained objects conservator, specialised in preservation of cultural heritage and archaeology and hold a Master of Science/Art - Conservation of Cultural Property from Gothenburg University, Sweden. Primary conservation skills include preventive and remedial conservation of objects and sites together with condition assessments, conservation propsals and planning. It also includes conservation of waterlogged objects, typology and materials analysis, X-ray documentation and analysis.


She received her training in Sweden and has been working within the cultural heritage sector since 1999 when she was part of a team from the Archaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University, excavating the Garrison (Garnisonen) which was part of the defence structure of the Viking age town of Birka.  She also conserved the diverse material recovered from this site which included coins, arrow and spear heads, richly decorated mounts and shield bosses. Other work has included conservation services for the Swedish History Museum, the Swedish National Heritage Board, an internship at the Western Australian Maritime Museum and employment at Kalmar County Museum where she worked with the conservation of local archaeological material as well as wet organic and inorganic material from Kronan. Kronan was a Swedish warship that served as the flagship of the Swedish Navy in the Baltic Sea in the 1670s which sunk in battle in 1676. Before moving to New Zealand she was employed at Studio Västsvensk Konservering where she worked with conservation of archaeological materials, digital x-ray analysis of artefacts, large-scale vacuum freeze-drying of wet organic materials as well as training/mentoring of archaeology and conservation interns.


Since moving to New Zealand with her kiwi family Sara has worked for regional archaeologists and the Auckland War Memorial Museum – Tamaki Paenga Hira, before starting her own business RedOx CHS Ltd.


Conservation at SVK - Artefacts from Nya Lodose



RedOx CHS Ltd.  is primarily involved with preservation of cultural heritage including conservation of archaeological artefacts, historical objects and sites. It operates primarily within the Waikato but can also service all of New Zealand. In 2021 RedOx CHS Ltd was selected to be on an approved list of suppliers on a government panel for the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage. We frequently supply regional councils and local museums and hold long-term contracts with Auckland War Memorial Museum – Tamaki Paenga Hira.


Condition assessment of settlers wedding dress from early 1900s (Mercury Bay Museum).

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